Grondona bread substitute

What are Grondona bread substitutes? For many people, wheat bread is a staple food. However, the majority of bread sold today is made from refined wheat, which has been stripped of most fiber and nutrients. There are also many people who are intolerant to gluten, a protein in wheat. Although many people can still eat […]
Baci di Dama Grondona, two protagonists of a romance

What is Baci di dama? Baci di dama is an Italian traditional pastry, easily recognizable for its sandwich cookie appearance. “Baci di Dama” means “Lady’s kisses” in English. This cookie consists of two hazelnut shells joined together by a veil of chocolate, recalling an image of two lips on the verge of kissing. Other interpretations […]
Canestrelli Grondona, the delicacy of a sweet moment

Canestrelli (or Canestrellini) is a delicious and crumbly cookie, usually dusted with powdered sugar. Typical of Liguria and Piedmont, they have many versions. We propose the most popular version, the Ligurian Canestrelli, small shortbread cookies very crumbly with the characteristic shape of a flower with a hole in the center. Perfect to serve as a […]
Lagaccio Grondona, a Tale of Tradition

Lagaccio is the ancestor of our products. The first. The original. All the experience and passion we put into the role of guardians of tradition comes from this delicacy. Created with natural ingredients, it’s the protagonist in Italian grandparents’ childhood memories, which run through family stories. Starting from this specialty, we have preserved, maintained, and […]
Moretti Grondona, your guilty pleasure

What are Moretti cookies? Moretti Grondona are Grondona’s interpretation of a complementary cookie to Baci di dama. A fragrant hazelnut pastry enclosed in a thin shell of dark chocolate. A small sweetness, ideal to serve at the end of a meal accompanied by a good coffee. Moretti chocolate melts into your mouth while the fragrance […]
Pandolcini Grondona, Any Day Christimas

What is Pandolcini? The Pandolcini Antica Genova® are delicious sweets prepared with the same family recipe of the Pandolce Antica Genova®, a traditional sweet with a leavened dough enriched with raisins and dried fruit. Pandolcini Antica Genova® is the modernization of Pandolce Antica Genova®, which is a common sweet during Christmas time. Inspired by Pandolce […]